Measurement 2 (QSB 1124)

Measurement 2 Assignment I

Although taking-off is completed by one person only, but Mr. Chee Wai Meng divides the tasks into several people in a group. Initially, I do not think it is a group work and I can complete it on my own.

            Communication skills are not that easy as we think but we need to apply it in our daily life. “I consider conversations with people to be mind exercises, but I don't want to pull a muscle, so I stretch a lot. That's why I'm constantly either rolling my eyes or yawning.” (Kintz, n.d.) and many studies conclude that “Assumptions are the termites of relationships.” (Winkler, n.d.).

            I have started to communicate with the other group members which improve my communication skills. This will be helpful in my future as a Quantity Surveyor. In future group work, I would suggest that it should contains a lot of interaction between the team members.

Measurement 2 Assignment I- Title

Measurement 2 Assignment I- Sectional View of The Plan

Measurement 2 Assignment II

I got a bad result in my Measurement 2 Assignment test. This is because I am not able to analyze the question and think critically.

            Critical thinking is important especially for the quantity surveyor who face different problem and need to find the solution immediately. “When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons.” (Nin, 1944-1947). It shows how importance is the critical thinking that will affect our daily life. Besides that, many researches reveal that “The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.” (Hitchens, n.d.)

            I redo the question on tutorial questions and thinks how I can answer the question well. It will improve my critical thinking and also problem solving skills. In future, I hope that more seminar related to this field should be done as a lot of people do not realize its significance to our life.