Sunday, June 28, 2015

Strategic Management (MGT 60703)

Strategic Management (MGT 60703)

 This module is to generate an understanding of the role of construction and its application in the design development process and to have a comprehensive understanding and knowledge on building parts and materials used.

Assignment 1- Individual

We are required to:

  • Write a "Good Vision and Mission Statement" and improve the Vision Statement from any company.
  • Access competitive advantage of a company
  • Develop market segmentation for the company which owns a piece of land at 10 acre besides KLCC. 

Mission and Vision Statement
Competitive advantage of a company

Analysis of a company
Assignment 2- GroupWork

We are required to:
  • Introduce a technology adopted in a company
  • Formulate a strategic plan for a company
  • Write on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Public Finance Initiatives (PFI)

BIM Software

Porter's 5 forces
Public- Private Partnership (PPP)



Group photo

This module is indeed the most time-consuming subject as it requires time to think critically and creatively. However, I truly believ this can benefit me as "we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them" (Einstein, n.d.).

Research Methodology (QSB 3933)

Research Methodology (QSB 3933)

Module Teaching Objectives
1. To develop awareness of the current local and global issues in the construction industry.
2. To explore the approaches to research.
3. To demonstrate a systematic and orderly mind to produce a viable academic research.

Assignment 1- Research Proposal

We are expected to have some topic for our dissertation. Once Sr. Ang Fuey Lin was assigned to be my supervisor, I consulted her to ask for clarification on the structure of research proposal.

Research Proposal

Research Proposal

Research Proposal

Assignment 2- Literature Review

After compiling the research proposal, we start to find the secondary resources which is same vein with my research objectives.
Literature Review
Literature Review

At first, I couldn't manage myself to cope with this module and felt stressed. However, I believe that this is the train of my soul as I always believe that "your emotional resilience can improve and strengthen through understanding yourself better and improving your emotional intelligence" (Special Agent Larned, n.d.).

Building Economics (QSB 3214)

Building Economics (QSB 3214)

The teaching objectives of the module are:

  1. To develop an awareness of the nature, content, and significance of cost control, cost planning and understand the roles of project teams towards fulfilling client needs.  
  2. To develop awareness of the effect of design variables in obtaining an economical design and to appreciate the role of the quantity surveyor in pre- and post-contract stages. 
Assignment 1

We are required to do the followings:

1. Group Work
  •  Preparation of cost plan from ECA
  • Submission of cost plan for Client's approval
  • Tender summary tabulation and tender rates
  • Tender report
2. Individual Work 
  • Preparation of Letter of Acceptance

                                                          Cost Plan from ECA
Tender Report
Letter of Acceptance
For Building Economics, I am required to learn independently as to learn some of the principles, e.g.: Net Present Value (NPV) and intrepret the information in the lecture notes. This is in vein with Einstein (n.d.) which claims that "Once you stop learning, you start dying".

Financial Management (QSB 3413/3414)

Financial Management (QSB 3413/3414)

The teaching objectives of the module are:
  1. To understand the background, principles and practices and information systems of financial management in relation to construction industry.
  2. To appraise capital investment proposals in the construction industry
  3. To understand the management of construction organization in terms of managing the business environment, the firm and the staff
Assignment 1- Business and financial analyses and forecasts of a company

We were assigned to perform a financial analysis of a selected public listed company from Bursa Malaysia Main Market, which is Cresendo Corporation Berhad. After discussion, I am assigned to do the liqudity and solvency ratio for the latest two financial year 2014 and 2015. The formula is shown as below:
Presentation Slide

Formula of Financial Ratio

Formula of Financial Ratio
As this subject requires understanding on the financial statement, I have spent spare time to study the structure of this. This is because I believed the Maya Angelou(n.d.) quotation states that I know that I'm not the easiest person to live with. The challenge I put on myself is so great that the person I live with feels himself challenged. I bring a lot to bear, and I don't know how not to. It trains my problem solving skills to think out of the box in order to obtain the appropriate quotation.

Professional Practice 2 [QSB 3614]

Professional Practice 2

Module Teaching Objectives
  1. To have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the administration of construction contracts and the application of particular contract clauses relating to the roles and responsibilities of the parties to the contract especially the Quantity Surveyor.
  2. To develop awareness of the provisions of the Standard Contract forms related to valuation and certificates, instructions and variations, dayworks and final accounts, extension of time and loss and expense.
  3. To interpret sub-contracts documents relating to roles and responsibility of the main contractor and subcontractors including the limits and constraint of such procedures

Assignment 1- Seminar Presentation

We were asked to give a 15 minutes presentation on "Chapter 5- Partial Possession of Employer".

Seminar Presentation

 Assignment 2- Preparation of Final Account

In a group of 7, we were asked to prepare the final account which divides into the following:
  • Explain adjustments of the essential elements in final account
  • Prepare the Final Account based on the given valuations adjustments
  • Explain the basis on how the given variations may be finalized and priced during the Final Account stage.

Final Account 1

Final Account 2

      Throughout the class, we are required to understand the theories and professional practice practice within the PAM Contract Form 2006. 


      During the class, I am incapable to understand on Final Account. However, through the group assignment, I am capable to aware the importance of Final Account besides than able to understand the framework of this module.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Measurement 5 [QSB 3115]

Measurement 5 [QSB 3115]

The teaching objectives of the module are:

  1. Appreciate the significance of Tender Document preparation and the importance of the ability to work effectively with other within the context of a team.
  2. To develop a depth of subject knowledge on the principles of measurement of various elements.
  3. To develop decision – making and management skills related to the quantity surveying profession in the preparation of the Bills of Quantities.
Taught by Mr Simon Chee Wai Meng and Mr Ramar Subramaniam, I was taught on Civil Engineering works and Mechanical Works. For this module, I was assigned to measure the cold water system of a house as follow:

  1. Measurement for cold water installation includes incoming pipe, fittings and ancillaries from the water meter up to the water tank and kitchen tap.

Measurement 5 Assignment
Measurement 5 Assignment
Critical thinking is important especially for the quantity surveyor who face different problem and need to find the solution immediately. "Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think." (Einstein, n.d.) I redo the question on tutorial questions and thinks how I can answer the question well. It will improve my critical thinking and also problem solving skills. In future, I hope that more seminar related to this field should be done as a lot of people do not realize its significance to our life.